I left Jeff in November 2006. I escaped from him. I learned to drive an 18-wheeler and team drove with my best friend (a man I had known since 1999, but had not told about the abuse and who is now my husband). I filed for a divorce from Jeff in January 2007. Jeff would call me while I was out on the road, begging me, pleading with me, making his worthless promises. I learned to ignore his calls, would get angry at him, and eventually when I did answer, would give my anger free rein. One day he called stating he had a question about if he should allow our daughter (age15) to attend a band function, I told him to stand up and act like a man. Our daughter had chosen to live with him, and she had been attending band functions for 3 years, so why was he bothering me with this kind of BS. He commented that he didn't understand what had gotten into me, because I used to know my place. My response was "I have grown a set of balls, and they are bigger than any you have ever had." he called me a name and hung up.
Yes, Jeff, I still have a set of balls. I survived years of your abuse, and I am going to shout it from the rooftops. I am going to tell the world what you did to me and that you are an abusive sadistic monster. If I find out that you are dating, I will print a copy of my blog and send it to her. If I have to, in order to protect another woman from your abuse, I will take out an ad in the paper. She needs to know what you are.
You can't shut me up, not you, not your son, not your daughter.
I will not be silent and condone your abuse.
If you feel you are being abused or know someone who is being abused call the National Domestic Violence hotline. 1-800-799-7233.
Shout it out sister! I'll hold the ladder while you get on the rooftop.